Who are Buddy Up Australia?
We're a registered charity dedicated to connecting and empowering our veterans, first responders, and their immediate families. Our mission is to help those who have served our country and community rediscover a sense of identity and purpose. By organising inclusive fitness challenges, social gatherings, and volunteering events, we create opportunities for growth and connection.

The Team Buddy Up Australia
Believe that every person who has provided service in the military or emergency services has the right to feel valued and connected in their local community.
The effects of leaving the service can impact both physical and mental health and for some it is a big adjustment to life after service. We want to keep our buddies in the 'well zone' of mental and physical health.
Buddy Up Australia pffers a way for people who have served country, either domestically or overseas, to connect with like-minded poeple and feel that sense of purpose again. That's through physical fitness, social connection and volunteering for worthwhile projects.
Founded in Perth, our goal is to run chapters Australia-wide which meet the needs of serving and ex-serving personnel just like us (police, fire, ambulance and military). Let's keep our buddues in the well zone.
We build healthy bodies and minds to contribute fully to our community
We respect others despite differences and build eningful relation
We commit to our purpose to help others and ourselves feel valued
We share our story to help others and ourselves and create solutions when faced with challenges
Our Chapters
Founded in Perth, we run chapters Australia-wide which meet the needs of serving and ex-serving personnel just like us (police, fire, ambulance and military)
Buddy Up has Chapters across Australia. We currently have 13 Chapters and we hope to launch Darwin by June 2024.