The Challenge

How old do I have to be to take part in the Buddy Up Challenge?

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Registration requires a person to be 18 years or older. We suggest if children want to do the challenges too, they join in with their family/carer/relative/friend. Please refer to our Fundraising Terms and Conditions

When is the Buddy Up Challenge happening?

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Registrations will open on Wednesday 1st May to allow time to plan your challenges.

The 2024 challenge starts on Saturday 1st June and finishes on Sunday 30th June.

When can I log my challenges until?

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You will have until 17:00 AWST on Sunday 2nd July to log your challenges.

Is there a minimum number of challenges we have to complete?

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Not at all! That’s the beauty of this challenge – you can pick as many or as little as you want. You may choose to focus on fitness, social connection, or give back to the community; all whilst trying new things and having loads of fun!

Obviously, a challenge isn’t complete with some ‘healthy competition though! Therefore, the participants with the highest points and funds raised will be recognised.

Are donations subject to a participant completing challenges?

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No, donations are not subject to a participant having completed any number or type of challenges. A participant may choose to enter and just focus on having fun taking part in the challenge. Or a participant may enter to fundraise for the organisation as well. Fundraising is not mandatory, however encouraged. Should a participant not complete all the challenges they have planned to do – this does not affect donations made to their personal online profile.

How much does it cost to take part?

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Registration is $10 per person.

Are the challenges suitable for different abilities?

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Yes, there are some really easy and simple challenges and more challenging ones. We advise you to seek medical advice if you have any questions regards your ability to undertake a challenge. Please refer to our terms and conditions / waiver for additional information.

What if I injure myself during a / the challenge?

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Stop and seek advice from a qualified health / medical professional. You could choose to change your plan of challenges to avoid activities that would be against medical / health advice. Or modify a challenge to safely accommodate your current ability.

I am business interested in sponsoring the event, do you have sponsorship opportunities?

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Absolutely, let’s chat! Please send an email to challenge@buddyupaustralia.org


Can I still fundraise after the Challenge?

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Fundraising for the Buddy Up Challenge will close on Tuesday 2nd July 2024.  If you have a fundraising idea, we would love to hear about it. Please email details of your idea to info@buddyupaustralia.org . We also welcome ongoing donations from the community. Donations can be made via Buddy Up Australia’s website here.

Do you set up my fundraising page?

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No but we do provide step by step instructions. See page - How it works. And if you need help, just get in touch.

How can I approach my fundraising?

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We want this to be an easy undertaking for you so it’s a simple process: 

  1. Set up your Fundraising page.
  2. Choose your activities for the Challenge.
  3. Share the link with your friends, family and wider network so they can donate.
  4. Thank your donors.

Do I have to collect money from people?

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No. Your fundraising page allows your supporters to donate directly to Buddy Up Australia. You do not have to worry about collecting money because it’s all taken care of.

Will I get fundraising support?

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Yes, 100%. We’re here to support you at every stage of the Buddy Up Challenge. You can email us on challenge@buddypaustralia.org with your questions or even if you need some inspiration. We’re with you all the way.

Do I have to fundraise?

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Whilst we encourage participants to fundraise, it is not mandatory and we welcome everyone who would like to participate for the fun and engagement.

What will the funds raised be used for?

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To find out what the funds from the challenge will be used for please visit here

Is my donation tax-deductible?

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Yes, anything $2 or above.

Do I have to donate to a registered participant or can I donate to Buddy Up in general?

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You can choose to do one or the other. If you would prefer to donate to Buddy Up Australia in general, please visit THIS page

Where do you have licenses to fundraise?

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Buddy Up Australia has licenses to fundraise in all States / Territories that require a license. Please see below:

  • WA – CC22593
  • QLD – CH3325
  • NSW – CFN/25640
  • VIC – FR0015884
  • TAS – C/10759


Can we buy Buddy Up Merchandise?

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All of our available merchandise can be viewed and purchased here

I am current / former defence or emergency service, how do I join Buddy Up as a member?

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Hello buddy!! Please visit our main website here to find out how to join as a member.

I am an immediate family member of a current / former defence or emergency service, can I join Buddy Up as a member?

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Absolutely!! Our membership is for immediate family members too. Please visit our main website here to find out how to join as a member.

I don’t have any affiliation to defence or emergency services but I am really passionate about the cause. What other membership options do you have?

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We have a ‘Supporter’ membership just for wonderful people like yourself. Please visit here to find out further information.