The Buddy Up Challenge
The goal of the Buddy Up Challenge is to make a real difference in the lives of our veterans, first responders, and their families. We want to bring them together, give them a sense of purpose, and help them feel connected to a supportive community.
It's about having fun, trying new things, and raising funds to support their well-being. We're on a mission to show our heroes that they're not alone and that we're here to support them every step of the way.
By getting people (you) to participate in fun and engaging activities, while raising funds for Buddy Up Australia, this campaign aims to make a positive difference in the lives of those who have given so much to our community and country.
How will the funds raised be spent?
Buddy Up has a goal to have 1 Program Coordinator in every State and Territory. That means we need another 5 Program Coordinators to reach our goal!
Why are Program Coordinators so important? They recruit, train, support and mentor our awesome team of volunteer leaders. They play a central part in the development and delivery of our core program which is our physical fitness, social events and community volunteering. They also help spread the word about Buddy Up on the ground whilst developing and strengthening our community friendships with other local businesses.
Funds raised will also help Buddy Up enhance and diversify our programs! Our Program Coordinators, together with their volunteer leaders work hard to develop a creative and inclusive program of events for our members. However, to continue delivering such fabulous and memorable experiences, we need to fund the particular events / programs. Our 13 Chapters nationwide have a wait list of events such as sailing, equine therapy, health retreats, family camping weekends that we cannot wait to deliver!
Help us launch new Chapters and reach more members! Buddy Up currently has 13 Chapters nationwide. We have plans to launch a new chapter by June 2024 and up to 4 Chapters by June 2025, but we want more! Why? A Chapter is a community group which is lead by a Program Coordinator and a team of volunteers. These Chapters deliver events for their local members. Therefore, the more Chapters we have, the more opportunities we have to connect with our members and make a difference!

How to get involved
We want you to unleash your potential and support those who serve.
Complete up to 30 challanges from our list of 50+ Challenge activities during the month of June. Try something new you haven’t done before, get fit, meet new people, make a difference and have fun!
We encourage ‘healthy competition’ therefore our ‘top participant’ will be recognised at local and national level.
By signing up to the Buddy Up challenge, you’re giving something back to those who have given us everything.