Fundraising Policy

Buddy Up Australia connects current and formerly serving military personnel, first responders and their immediate family through physical fitness, social events and purposeful volunteering.


The purpose of this policy is to outline the guiding principles relating to fundraising activities undertaken by Buddy Up Australia.


Buddy Up Australia accepts donations from:

  • Individuals, companies and organisations
  • Philanthropic trusts and foundations
  • Corporate foundations
  • Estates

Income received from government funding or government grants is not included in this policy.


‘Donation’ – a voluntary transfer of money or property where there is no material benefit or advantage. A tax-deductible receipt is issued for donations of $2 and over.

‘Donor’ – an individual or their legal representative (in the case of a deceased person’s bequest) or other entity that makes a donation to a cause. 

‘Fundraising’ – the act of seeking and obtaining donations on behalf of a cause

‘Sponsorship’ – undertaking a fundraising activity with support received in the form of money in return for a benefit of value. Sponsorship is not considered a donation as a tax-deductible receipt is not issued.

Please refer to the ACNC website to access appropriate State / Territory regulations.

Policy Statement

Buddy Up Australia has Charity Licences in all Australian States and Territories that require a licence to raise funds. 

Should you have any concerns / queries with regards how an organisation is raising funds please to Charity fundraising and the public | ACNC


Buddy Up Australia is guided by the following principles:

  • Our fundraising activities will comply with all relevant laws, regulations and codes of practice
  • Any communication we make to the public in the course of carrying out a fundraising activity shall be truthful
  • Fundraising activities or donations will not be undertaken or accepted if they may be detrimental to the good name or community standing of Buddy Up Australia
  • We will maintain a high standard of transparency, accountability and ethical practice in fundraising initiatives in line with regulations and codes of practice of all States and Territories

Fundraising Activities

Only authorised Buddy Up Australia employees or authorised representatives may:

  • Process donations
  • Issue tax-deductible receipts and donor refunds
  • Record and access donor information as required
  • Organise or authorise fundraising events and other activities 

All Buddy Up Australia employees and authorised representatives who are responsible for receiving and processing donations shall:

  • Respect and value all who donate
  • Ensure donation processes are secure and transparent
  • Acknowledge donations in a prompt manner
  • Provide excellent donor care
  • Respond to all donor feedback and enquiries in a timely manner

Donor Privacy and Confidentiality

Buddy Up Australia will ensure a high standard of privacy and data security is upheld at all times.

Member and donor information collected by Buddy Up Australia is private and confidential. Our Privacy Policy can be located at BUA’s website.

Refunds / Cancellations

We recognise that errors could be made by donors or Buddy Up Australia, or the many financial institutions involved in donation transactions. Buddy Up Australia will not automatically refund donations but will review all requests on a case by case basis and endeavour to refund donations made in error or under circumstances that may warrant an approved refund in compliance with our legal obligations.

Responsibility and Policy Owner

The owner of this policy is the Executive Director.

Policy Development and Approval

This policy has been developed in consultation with the Board of Directors and external advisors.